


Reborn after being torn apart by the dark events of 1994, Rwanda is a country now brimming with optimism and beauty. Its volcanic north hides endangered mountain gorillas, the highlight of any trip here.

With over a dozen habituated families of these gorillas surviving in the Virunga Massif, this is arguably the best place in Africa to see them. A handful of beautifully crafted lodges sit at the foot of the volcanoes.

Away from the gorillas, Rwanda hides a surprising amount. In the east, Akagera is a resurgent national park, flourishing under the stewardship of African Parks and home to a wealth of wildlife. Whilst in the south, Nyungwe Forest offers the chance to trek for chimpanzees.

green and white leaf plant

Why Rwanda

The chance to see mountain gorillas is reason enough to visit Rwanda, but this small country inevitably delivers a far richer and more varied experience than visitors expect. Each of the three main parks is beautiful in its own right – even before the wildlife is considered – whilst the Rwandan people have made peace with the events of 1994 and are remarkably open about the lessons learned from it. This is a country that is fascinating to explore – simultaneously beautiful and enlightening.

When to Go

The dry season between June and September is definitely the best time to explore Rwanda. The lack of rain showers makes gorilla trekking far more rewarding and the game viewing in Akagera National Park is at its peak.

road near forest

Our Suggestion

Rwanda Gorilla Safari


Three Places to Visit in Rwanda

brown and black tomb stone surrounded by green plants

Volcanoes National Park

Home to the largest remaining population of mountain gorillas, this park is spread across the slopes of the Virunga Mountains, with views into both Congo and Uganda.

Akagera National Park

A conservation success story, this once-forgotten park is now again home to the Big Five. Stretched along Rwanda’s eastern border, it includes a chain of beautiful lakes.

Nyungwe Forest

This dense cloud forest lies in the south of the country and is the perfect habitat for primates. Colobus monkeys hide in the canopy, as well as habituated troops of chimpanzees.

Three Things to Do in Rwanda

black gorilla lying on green grass during daytime

Gorilla Trekking

Climb up the slopes of the Virunga Mountains in search of habituated mountain gorillas. Spend an hour in their company, watching in silence as they play, eat and groom.

Big Five Safari

Explore the verdant landscape of Akagera National Park, taking game drives and boat trips, in search of the wealth of wildlife that hides here.

Genocide Memorial Visit

Visit Kigali’s poignant and informative Genocide Memorial, to learn more about the terrible events that shaped modern Rwanda and continue to do so.

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